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Myth or Fact: Coal is most powerful source of energy

MYTH. One kilo of uranium has the same amount of energy as 15,000 kilos of coal. France powers 70% of the country using nuclear power and hasn’t had an accident. They are on to something.

Think about it, we need hundreds of ships, thousands of trains cars all burning even more polluting fossil fuels. Then we burden the military to protect transport of fuel from the Middle East.

Not very efficient is it? It makes you wonder why we we are using 19th Century technology in the 21st Century.

Want to know more? There is a video explainer down below. Here are also few articles to get you started:




Myth vs Fact: Is coal the most powerful energy source we have?

It's not even close. 1 kilo of uranium used in nuclear power plants has the same amount of energy as 15,000 kilos of coal. Add in costs and pollution associated with transporting massive quantities of coal, and it gets even worse.